Sunday, March 05, 2006

mp3's... downloading

The big thing now-a-days is to search for things on the internet, but what more could you ask for than your own library of the largest selection of music and video the world has ever seen. This is obvious, and this blog may be obvious to many, but the point remains in my opinion that downloading mp3's and music videos should be as legal as lending your friend your dvd over the weekend. The people everywhere from say, (Toothpicks, Boomerama) to Hollywood who have sold records (and are already quite famous) have sold enough records for a lifetime of wages that overwhelm the compared worker person. So, why stop allowing downloads? People no matter what are going to get access to these files anyway, and yet there is another aspect to consider. As the popular term "artists" is used, the bands that have all these chart topping records or even lower paid ones get money for their music. Now relate that to say, a site with many brand new famous paintings and works of art. For one thing, these artisits are ones that have not neccesarily made a "butt-load" of money, and for another they don't mind if others can see their work for free. The reason this is, is because it's (art). Art should be a celebration of one's own imagination and not for the soulei purpose of making money. The "artists" who are getting all this money should not be angry at the many people who download their music because for one they are already making a lot of money in the first place, and for another they consider themselves artists. Even if they don't use the term (artist) they are what they are. They are people who have music and videos- and the others are those who have created something that a large number of people can enjoy. The many people who download these files on the internet don't really make up for all the people who buy cd's on an item that has been making money for say, (30 YEARS). Bottom line is, if you are a music "artist" then be proud of what you do, don't fret so much about the other million dollars you didn't get. Besides what about all the people in other countries who cannot afford to buy cd's? What about them? Should they not be allowed to listen to music because you didn't get to buy a 4 set of ferarri's?? Well that's what they are saying when those fools who are making billions of dollars because they write songs and (by the way) in many times, popularbands go on stage and try live singing? Yeah... Eww... needs work my friends, my 14 year old cousin can sing better than that!

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